The ball was rolling for a trip to Philadelphia this weekend. It's one of the few Sundays that I won't be playing bass on the worship team at church, so I was going to take advantage of 2 full days off for a longer trip. Then, a co-worker asked me to work Monday for her. Dreams of spending my day off perusing a museum with displays of the Soap Woman, the secret tumor of Grover Cleveland, exhibits of brains of murderers and epileptics, skull collections, and Pott's disease skeletons were filling my a good way. Yes, I'm sick, twisted, macabre, and demented. But mostly fascinated with medical oddities that are showcased at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. So I was disappointed that I would temporarily lose this opportunity; however, not only is my friend almost 8 months pregnant with absurdly swelling ankles, she's already picking up a day for me next week so I can go to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver. Among the seminars for that weekend: Blood and Tissue Spatter Associated with Chainsaw Dismemberment, SEM Analysis of Saw Marks in Bone, Concealment and Detection of Bloodstains Beneath Multiple Coats of Paint, Sustained Combustion of Bodies:Some Observations. And this is how I get my continuing education credits to maintain my dental hygiene license. I LOVE MY JOB!!!! So you can understand that I'm willing to put off my fascination of all things morbid to take care of patients on Monday.
Instead, I'll plan a morning flying down to San Diego to hit my favorite breakfast spot by the Crystal Pier at Ocean Beach, then on to Phoenix to spend the afternoon with a young lady who was like a little sister to me while growing up in the jungles of Africa. Hopefully this one sticks! It'll be an incredibly long day, but I'll go stir crazy if I spend 2 weekends in a row in Sacra-de-mento!!
Considering the topics that fascinate you, I may want to make sure it's a happy day before allowing you to put sharp metal objects in my mouth! lol Sounds like you're enjoying these experiences. My best to you.
hope you had fun today! But you did miss the rain and ridiculous wind here. :)
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