Decisions, decisions...

It's Tuesday night and I'm barrelling towards a week that leaves me little time for breathing. By the end of church on Sunday, I'll be overdue on my daily routines like laundry, grocery shopping, feeding my cat (JUST KIDDING....Scully never lacks for food, and could actually stand to lose a few lbs.) Instead, my list begs to have another check mark. So where to go next? This time, I may be able to squeeze in an over-nighter. One idea rambling around in my brain is a trip to Seattle, check out some of the typical touristy sites - the fish market, for example. Then rent a car, drive to a little town called Forks, see if there really is a La Push reservation, and, if there is, whether I can try out for their cliff-diving team. If that last sentence made no sense, then congratulations on avoiding the obsession that is Twilight.

Minneapolis would also be an interesting airport to check out, along with a tour of the Mall of America. When I have a little more time, I'd like to visit Austin with my running partner and hit some of the legendary trails out that way. Or find a Nickleback concert to take my sister to, since there are currently no concert dates scheduled in California. Those of you who have experienced my macabre nature won't be surprised to hear that I'd love to hit Philadelphia just to tour the Mutter Museum's collection of medical monstrosities.

I struggle with feelings of neglect towards friends and family as I try to accomplish this 'most traveled' list. I still owe my grandmother a celebration dinner for her 92nd birthday. She's still my best friend, and I always tell her that if I inherited her genes, I'd better increase my 401K. Other close friends probably think that I've forgotten about our weekly movie nights. And my brother has most likely given up on waiting for me to go paint-balling with him. Thank you all ahead of time for your patience, your graciousness, and your tolerance as I fill my traveling cup as full as possible while I can. I'll make it up to you at some point!


bluesugarpoet said...

Yeah, and you'll also need to drive through St. Helens, OR where they filmed Twilight. :) It's a short drive from P'tland - and perhaps you could take a tour of the infamous Shanghai tunnels that lurk below P'tland.

Kiley Skor said...

Yes, I FINALLY am reading. It all makes so much more sense now. I'm a little slow (and spacey at times) :). I'm excited about reading more.

Though it's cold this time of year and not the ideal spot, you should join me for a day or two in March when I'm in Nebraska visiting my brand new niece. The Black Hills and Badlands in South Dakota are pretty interesting places to see. It's a whole different world out there. You could do some serious trail runs too, though I'd pack some WARM clothes.

iron girl traveling said...

I might take you up on the Nebraska idea...but be prepared, I'm a real whiner when it's cold! Which airport would be closest to fly in to?